pLOT 1.0.15k



  • Fixed an issue with a crash when loading the chromatogram viewer

Added features (1.0.15i/j)

  • Customizable menu systems with option to change color and style in the Preferences window.  This menu system is a slightly modified version of a menu library written by Steve McMahon.  All credit for the menu code goes to him.
  • Copying a feature to the clipboard can now be done using the additional “as pLOT Format” option.  Pasting the copied data to the pLOT View/Edit window inserts the sequence and the feature annotation information as well.  Pasting the data to the New window likewise retains the feature annotation information.
  • The mouse wheel is now recognized for zooming in or out.  Using the mouse wheel while holding down the Control key changes the zoom.  When zoomed in, using the mouse wheel will scroll the map up or down in the window.
  • The Feature’s popup menu now includes “Move to the First” and “Move to Last” which will move the feature to the top or bottom of the drawing order.

Bug fixes in version 1.0.15i

  • This update fixes a bug that could cause pLOT to retrieve feature names from .pl2 formatted files.
  • A bug in the Zoom in code has been fixed and the map should now scale appropriately.


Figure 1. New pLOT menu system with the Copy as pLOT Feature menu itemFigure 2. Alternate separator option


pLOT v1.0.15k full install file [Link]

This update is only available as a full installation file.  It is highly suggested that you uninstall the any prior versions before installing this update.  Please note that on some systems, an error pops up during the install process asking you to abort, retry or ignore.  If this happens, choose the Ignore option.

  Like the pLOT Facebook Page for up-to-date information on new releases, previews of upcoming release features, to report bugs, to suggest new features, or to volunteer as a beta tester.  You can also subscribe to follow this blog for email notification of new posts.  If you experience any bugs or glitches, please feel free to leave a comment, Facebook message, or email me explaining the error so that I can implement a fix ASAP.

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